DANUBEMAN, the first triathlon competition that will take place in Calarasi

Behind any extraordinary idea there are always extraordinary people - Sebastian Ghioca, ambassador of good deeds, puts Calarasi on the map of triathlon competitions

DanubeMan is a triathlon competition that will start this year, on May 27th, and offers amateur athletes 4 types of events: supersprint, sprint, Olympic and half.

The competition, which will take place for the first time in Calarasi, is organized by Sebastian Laurentiu Ghioca.

Find out below details about this premiere competition in the city on the banks of the Borcea directly from the organizer, Sebi Ghioca, the ambassador of good deeds from Calarasi.

I can tell you that it`s a dream of mine, which has almost come true. On May 27th, DanubeMan will take place in Calarasi and is a competition that is part of the National Triathlon Federation. It is addressed to all athletes, registered or amateur, cadets will come, several age categories, and the prizes will be commensurate.

We hope the weather will be ok, as the water temperature is very important.

The first start will take place at 7 am, and traffic will be closed on the entire DN3 road.

Runners will have a pleasant surprise, as the route also includes the Calarasi Zoo.

The site has been up for more than a month, and registrations started on December 5th and will end on May 20th.

Even though this contest will take place in a few months, the participation shirts are already ready.

The conditions for participation are as follows: to be declared fit from a medical point of view, and for minors, a certificate from the parents stating that they agree with the child's participation in the triathlon.

(…) My expectations regarding this event are that at the start there will be around 300 - 350 people.

I invite all athletes at the start, to dare more, because they will get a tenth back, and the satisfactions will be up to expectations. For sure, most of the champions will be present at START and it will be seen what extreme effort means.

On the DanubeMan.ro website there is a section dedicated to children in need, and I want to announce that both participants and those who visit the site can donate to support children in need. You can donate via a simple SMS or via a bank transfer to an account that is on the website page., said Sebastian Ghioca.


Interview conducted by Canal SUD


Project "Green Tourism Products" (Green Tour Pro) ROBG291 is co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg V-A Romania – Bulgaria Programme.
Total eligible value of the project: 498 884.65 euro
Amount of EU contribution: 424 850.04 euro ERDF

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